coach bio

Hi, my name is Godwin Nwafor, “Coach Of Colour”, and I have a confession to make. I’ve struggled a lot in my life – with school, work, and relationships. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get ahead. In fact, it often felt like the harder I tried, the further behind I fell.

Then one day, something happened that changed my life. I lost my business – a nationwide delivery company. I was back to square one, or even a few squares behind. I knew I needed to figure out why this kept happening to me and why I struggled so much.

That’s when I discovered ADHD coaching. The idea that I could help myself and others who struggled like I had was fascinating to me, so I decided to earn my Certificate in ADHD Life Coaching (CALC).



As someone who was raised in a black family, I understood the stigma surrounding mental health issues and the healthcare system in minority communities. My ‘undiagnosed’ ADHD symptoms were treated with discipline rather than it being the cause of my behaviour.

Growing up, I began to wonder if there was a correlation between being raised in a minority culture, and being neurodivergent. I found that many people from similar communities had experienced the very same attitudes towards mental health. I think that’s how masking begins, trying to hide your nature so you don’t get into trouble.

This realisation hit me hard. I realised that I wasn’t alone in my struggles and that there were likely many others out there who were struggling just like I was. I was determined to help these individuals and make a difference. With a deep understanding of how culture can contribute to these struggles, I made it my passion to help people of colour with ADHD cope with their symptoms.

To do this, I took the time to get to know my clients on a deeper level. I listened to their stories and tried to understand their unique experiences. I also educated myself on how different cultures and societies can impact individuals with ADHD and how I could best support them in overcoming these challenges.

As I worked with more and more clients, I saw the impact of my coaching firsthand. I saw individuals who had struggled for years finally begin to find success and happiness. I saw relationships improve and career goals being achieved. It was a rewarding experience for me, and I knew I was making a real difference in the lives of others.

Today, I continue to work as an ADHD Coach Of Colour, helping people of colour from the UK and beyond overcome the challenges they face and live their best lives. I am passionate about my work and dedicated to positively impacting my clients’ lives.